I am happy to see traffic to our site traffic growing over the last few months. I recently made numerous changes to the various strategy pages to make it easier to choose a strategy or combination of strategies to help with picking your Lotto 649 and Lotto Max numbers. Quick pick numbers are perfectly fine in a pinch, but ultimately, don’t you want some control over which numbers are played?
This site is dedicated to exploring all of the known ways to pick numbers. Each strategy page is updated automatically after each draw. As long as everyone remembers that on any given draw any set of numbers can be drawn, you can have fun playing the different strategies to pick your numbers. One of the best new features is the last draw analysis pages (649 or Max). Visit this page after every draw to see how the winning numbers performed against the common strategies. Maybe, you will gain insights for your next draw’s picks.
All the main strategy pages got a make over to make them more readable. We still provide you with the updated data after each draw, but we are now trying to showcase insights around each strategy. We have added colours to help provide context to the data (red for most and blue for least). If you were happy with the old report formats, they are still there and still being updated. See below for the links to old reports.
Keep in mind, that the reports, above, will be maintained in the short and medium term, but over the long term they will be decommissioned.